Tuesday, January 15, 2008


...seams like month since my last blog entry!!! Yesterday finally the kids went back to school. Cant remember ever having a holiday that long!!! We had some great time seeing friends and preparing our take off. Having dinners and coffees with everyone.

We also went down south to do some more house hunting and we found two nice apartments, but we did not hear anything from the owners up to now....I hate waiting!! I would love to know were we will go to ..to make plans for the new place and think about how we can organize our new live ! Hope I will get my own room in our new apartment! And I so much wish for a garden, but I fear it will only be a balcony if at all!!!

I hardly had any time or peace of mind to think about new years resolutions, all the challenges I wanted to take part at or even my DT work!!! I need to make some more space for that again!!!
One thing I did finally find is this years word: it´s AWARENESS in all its forms. I will try to do it as much as I can and one good way to start it was the book I got for Christmas from my DH:

"Die Suppe Lügt"...its about our food and what the food industry make out of it. It is totally revolting and I am so much disgusted by it that I need to change some of my and my families eating habits! I mean I do quite some things in that direction already, but obviously not enough! So I will not only bake our own bread ( what I already do most of the times) , but try to grow more of our own food, and by much more basic food and cook more myself. Also I will by local and organic as much as I can. Its the only way to have control over what you are eating! For all of you reading German her is a good website by the author of the book : Dr. Watson
I am sure there must be English site like this, too, but I have not come across any up to now.... I will tell you when I find more!

We also had some very good talks at our kids new schools. I can not believe the difference in the different German states!! the headmasters we were talking to were extremely friendly and were very willing to help our kids to get good starts!! It will be difficult for both of them, no doubt about that, but I am positive we will manage: they will both have to change from English as a first foreign language to French!!! So DS will have to catch up two years an DD half a year...and I was thinking about taking a course in French, too...since I never learned it!!! DD will go to a special school with classes only for dyslectic kids and they will be very small: only 12 kids! And DS is very determined to get everything all right in his new school: he even wants to move down South and stay with his aunt before we all make the move, so he will be able to start with the new term in February!!!!! I could not believe hearing that from him!!! I is not such a keen student normally!!

With all the changes and up heals I still did get one challenge started never the less: Overlooked! And here is my first picture for it:Got to go back to do some more organizing now....;-)

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Blogger alittlebitofscrap said...

Your coffee looks divine and I love the color combinations. Is that some type of berry tart in the background? I love berry scones! I did the Overlooked challenge too. I hope that you get an apartment to suit your needs. I live in a small house and I know how it feels to really need more space. Good luck with the move.

7:26 pm CET  
Blogger Birgit said...

Wow, that was a long holiday! Welcome back!

8:25 pm CET  
Blogger Michelle said...

love the mug picture =) it looks so yummy! especially the pie behind it....yum! Thanks for stopping by my blog, too!

9:17 pm CET  

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